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Tenants in Chameleon

Control which company receives an Experience

Chameleon Team avatar
Written by Chameleon Team
Updated this week

With our Tenants functionality, you can control which end-users see specific in-app Experiences based on the company they belong to.

This works as an additional layer of security, preventing your data from being exposed and ensuring that only users from a single company see those Experiences.

Availability & Usage

πŸ” Available for Enterprise plans

πŸ“ Ready to use in Tours, Tooltips, Embeddables, Microsurveys

What are Tenants in Chameleon?

β„Ή Tenants represent the Companies in your Chameleon account that you can use to control which Company gets to see an Experience. You can pick a single Tenant for each Experience to ensure only the end-users who are part of that Company will receive it.

πŸ‘‰ This works similarly to our Environments, where you can pick specific Environments for Experiences to display. In this case, you can pick a specific Company to display Experiences to.

How to use Tenants?

To use the Tenants functionality, all you need to do is send Chameleon the company ID and name.

πŸ‘‰ You can review your Company properties in your Dashboard under "Data Management β†’ Company properties."

β„Ή The Company properties you set in the Dashboard (the properties that you identify Companies in Chameleon) will reflect in the Tenants dropdown selection. If you don't have a Company name, Chameleon will show the Company ID in the Tenants dropdown

Once this feature is enabled on your account, you can simply pick a Tenant when publishing an Experience in the "Choose Environments / Tenants" step.

  1. Select a Tenant: pick a company name (Tenant) that should see your Experience and publish your Experience as usual

  2. Chameleon identifies users: checking users' associated Tenant names.

  3. Display: only if the Tenant name matches the Experience is shown to that user

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