Installing using Freshpaint

Install Chameleon without code using Freshpaint, a CDP that allows click tracking

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Written by Chameleon Team
Updated over a week ago

Chameleon works using JavaScript. In order to activate and display in-product Experiences to your users, you will need to deploy the Chameleon code snippet to your website or web application.

There are different methods to do this; using Freshpaint, you can get up and running in just a few minutes.

To start installing Chameleon, you need to have created a free account. You can create one here.

Freshpaint is a Customer Data Platform that allows you to easily turn on or off third-party code snippets in their applications and send data between all your tooling.

To install Chameleon this way, you first install the Freshpaint code directly on your product and then use their dashboard to manage other third-party integrations, such as Chameleon.

When you use Freshpaint to install Chameleon on your product:

  • Chameleon is only installed on sites/pages where Freshpaint is installed.

  • Chameleon features will only appear on pages where Freshpaint's identify method is called.

  • In addition to installing the Chameleon code, Freshpaint sends user data (properties and events) to Chameleon. You can leverage this to target Experiences to specific users.

  • Chameleon can send data (e.g. about your experiences' performance) back to Freshpaint. You can leverage this to coordinate all your user communication, view all product data in one place, and send data to other services connected to Freshpaint.

If you use Freshpaint, we strongly recommend installing Chameleon this way. It makes Chameleon's implementation easier, more powerful and will help your tech stack function more synchronously.

Installing Chameleon with Freshpaint is a simple, fast way to start delivering in-product guidance. Once your Freshpaint account is set up and you have it installed on your product, go over to the installation page and follow these steps:

  • Select the Freshpaint installation method and copy the provided Token.

Now, add a new destination to Freshapint, using the Token copied from the Chameleon Dashboard.

  • Click "Configure" next to the API Key field and paste the Chameleon API key you copied earlier.

You will see the successful configuration in your Freshpaint account.

Once installed, you should load a page in your application so that data is sent to Chameleon and you will then see your installation status as active within the Chameleon Dashboard.

  • To complete the process, go to Sources in your Freshpaint dashboard and click to configure the "Autotrack" component. Copy the JS snippet and paste it into the <head> of your website. This way, Freshpaint will know how to receive events passed from your Chameleon account.

Alternatively, you can set up Precision Tracking for more control over the events you track. Click Configure, and paste the code provided by Freshpaint to your website.

If you install Chameleon on a domain that's different from your email domain, it will be automatically disabled, and you should manually enable it in your Environments. The same goes for new subdomains that you add to already-enabled domains. This is to ensure better security and that no malicious domains get added to your account.

If you have any questions regarding this process, let us know, we are here to help! Learn all you can achieve with Chameleon when you install via Freshpaint.

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