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I don't see the Chameleon Builder

Troubleshooting if you're not seeing the Chameleon Builder on your website.

Chameleon Team avatar
Written by Chameleon Team
Updated over 11 months ago

This article is for you if you meet the following criteria: 

and you are experiencing the following:

  • You're seeing an error opening the Chameleon Extension. This may say something like "Please Enter the Builder in your own product environment" (check 3rd party cookies)

Quick access

The first thing to do is to ensure:

  1. You are logged in to Chameleon.

  2. Chameleon is installed on the page you are attempting to use the Builder or you have the Chrome Extension loaded on this page.

If both of these are satisfied, then you can proceed with the following troubleshooting.

Let's find out if the Builder issue is being caused by Implementation or Authentication.

On the page, right-click and select “Inspect Element". Open the Console tab, and type chmln.

  1. If you get the result Uncaught ReferenceError: chmln is not defined, the snippet has not been implemented.

  2. If you get any result containing function, you are not authenticated.

  3. If you get any other result (an Error) then please check that your browser is not blocking 3rd party cookies. For Chrome, you can read about how to manage exceptions (i.e. allow Chameleon to set cookies) here.

Still can't open it? You may need to clear the Builder's cache:

  1. Open the Console tab, and type chmln.Editor.Router.navigateBack().

  2. If that doesn't solve the problem, refresh the page and, with the Builder closed, open the Application tab on your Chrome Developer Tools.

  3. Find your app under Local Storage.

  4. Then, find and delete the chmln:l.C.d key (this will clear your cache for the Chameleon Builder specifically).

  5. Refresh the page again and open the Builder.

Grab a screenshot of your app with the JavaScript console open (scrolled to any errors that are related to chmln) and email us.

For a quicker resolution, please type chmln.isEditing into the JS console and let us know the return value. Finally please check the chmln-user-id cookie is present in the 'Application' tab (see below)

Note: you must have the console open before you load the page for this to work (so just hit Refresh on the page after you've opened the console). 

Your personalized snippet can be found on your Dashboard. Follow the instructions to implement.

If after implementation, you see an error in your console that looks similar to Refused to load the script ' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive, then see our notes about adding Chameleon to your Content Security Policy below.

Go to your Dashboard. If you are redirected to a login page when trying to load the Dashboard, this means you are logged out. Chameleon is passwordless, so authentication works via a login link enabled by cookies.

Enter your email address on the login page to be sent a new authentication link. After opening this link, your Dashboard will load.

If this does not solve the issue, please email us and provide a login to your app so we can test as we resolve the issue.

If you know that your application has a Content Security Policy, or you see a CSP-related error in the Chrome Extension or browser console, then Chameleon needs to be added to the list of trusted sources that can run on pages in your application. Learn more here.

Chameleon's Experiences require that you have third-party cookies enabled. This setting is commonly enabled by default on all browsers but may have been manually disabled. 

To enable third-party cookies in Chrome, navigate to chrome://settings/, scroll to "Privacy and security", click on "Content settings", then click on "Cookies", and finally switch "Block third-party cookies" to the Off position.

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