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Learn how to set up and use Chameleon's integration

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Written by Chameleon Team
Updated over 2 months ago

Enhance your adoption efforts with lifecycle emails that are synced to your in-app Experiences. This way you engage users in different mediums to drive adoption and meet their learning preferences.

Send your data to Chameleon to continue pushing users on their learning journey. And send your Experience data back to to time specific campaigns to users based on in-app engagement.

Availability & Usage

🔐 Available for all plans

📍 Ready to power your Tours, Tooltips, Microsurveys, Launchers

⚙️ Enable from the Dashboard

How does this integration work?

With our integration, you can coordinate lifecycle emails and campaigns with Chameleon Experiences. This way, you can engage users with more personalized content and in-app education, as well as personalize your messages with your data.

You can use as a:

  • Data Destination -- send Chameleon data to (to use in sending other messaging, such as emails)

  • Data Source -- get data (webhooks) into Chameleon (for targeting Tours and personalizing content)

Setting up the integration

Enable the integration in a few clicks and have your data flowing to your account, to leverage in your email campaigns. Head over to the integration page in your Dashboard and enable the integration.

  • Next, Chameleon automatically sends Experience events to from the client-side.

The code (used to install on your app) needs to be installed on the pages of your product where Chameleon Experiences are seen by end-users, and users need to be identified with the same ID as they are to Chameleon.

  • To send your data in real-time for targeting and personalizing Experiences you'll use webhooks.

There are three types of data you can update within Chameleon using incoming webhooks.

  • User properties

  • Company properties

  • User events

To set this up, start by visiting your Integrations page, under Settings, and find the Webhooks option.

There will be two types available and you can use either or both to send data to Chameleon:

  • Reporting webhooks send data about message activity

  • Webhooks allow you to send a webhook to another service as part of a workflow or campaign.

In both cases, when setting up the webhook, get the endpoint URL from the integration page in Chameleon

  • Use POST requests (to send data)

  • No specific Headers are required.

  • Authentication is built into the Endpoint URL (which contains your unique Chameleon account token)

  • If using a uid key (unique ID) for a user, ensure it matches the uid being sent to Chameleon as part of your Chameleon installation

  • Any data/content can be added as properties within the webhook request Body

Use webhooks to sync Chameleon Segments

Our current integration is not set up to sync segments across the two tools, however, you can utilize's API to do this.

The documentation, currently states that you can pull a list of people in a given segment using their /v1/exports/customers endpoint in their API. Alternatively, you can create a segment-triggered campaign based on the segment, set the email inside to “Queue Draft” in the webhook, and then monitor the email_drafted events for that campaign_id.


The above is a modification of their API FAQ question #5, "Can I get a webhook when a customer gets added to a segment?". Please see's API website for the most up-to-date endpoints and webhook information. Please let us know if you implement it differently and we will update our guide.

How to use it?

With the integration enabled and your data flowing, you have different possibilities in Chameleon and

Leverage your data in your Chameleon Segments, to create custom audiences for your Experiences, or use it to personalize content within Experiences (e.g. variables within your Steps), as below.

🤝 You can use email events (e.g. opened) to nudge them to in-app actions they should perform next. Leverage your data in your Segments to customize each user journey.

In you can leverage your Chameleon data to trigger engagement campaigns based on Experience data. For example, triggering an onboarding sequence if users dismiss your in-app walkthroughs.

Leverage your Chameleon data as part of an event-triggered email campaign, or use these events as part of your segments, which can then be further used for any notification or message you send via

The events sent by Chameleon are:

  • Started Tour (Chameleon)

  • Completed Tour (Chameleon)

  • Exited Tour (Chameleon)

  • Step Seen (Chameleon)

  • Previewed Tour (Chameleon) -- for admins only

You can view this within your account, on the Activity page:

Event properties sent as part of these events include the Tour name, URL, and others where relevant (e.g. Step number).

For full details of all Chameleon data sent to, use our schema below:


What fields can be sent to the webhook in the JSON payload?

The webhook can be configured to "set user properties" or "log an event" simply by using a different endpoint in the Chameleon REST API. For the case of sending user properties, you can send anything you would otherwise send to chmln.identify

For example, you could set a property when a user reaches a milestone in your application, such as upsell_readiness_score, and use this as a filter within a Target Audience to show an Experience (e.g. prompting the user to book a sales meeting).

What does each field do?

Fields are user properties and you are essentially using our REST API to update user profiles or to log events

What fields cannot be sent to the webhook?

Certain attribute names are reserved. These include id , created_at and are listed here.

While nested field two-levels deep are supported, further nesting (object within object within object) is not.

How do we map User IDs to Chameleon UIDs?

Typically the 'User ID' (UID) you send to Chameleon (within the chmln.identify  call) is a Database ID and thus also used to identify users within 

To check the UID being sent for any Chameleon user, open the developer console and enter'uid').

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