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Kissmetrics integration: user guide

Learn how to set up and use Chameleon's Kissmetrics integration

Chameleon Team avatar
Written by Chameleon Team
Updated over a year ago

With Chameleon's Kissmetrics integration, you can better analyze Chameleon Experiences and send emails from Kissmetrics based on how users interacted with Chameleon Experiences. You can learn more about Kissmetrics by visiting our integration page.Β 

This integration enables Kissmetrics to be a Data Destination; allowing you to send Chameleon data to Kissmetrics, including (but not restricted to) the following events:

  • Started Tour

  • Completed Microsurvey

  • Button clicked

  • ...

Quick access

The Kissmetrics integration can be enabled with a single click. All you need to do is to enable the Send Chameleon data to Kissmetrics toggle in the Chameleon Dashboard.

This will automatically begin sending data to your Kissmetrics account. This works by using the existing Kissmetrics code on your website, and so data will only be sent on pages where the Kissmetrics script is present and working.

Chameleon will automatically send Experience performance data, for each user, and you can view this within your Kissmetrics account.

You can check that data is being received in the Live View:

This data being sent includes the following events:

  • Chameleon Started Tour / Microsurvey

  • Chameleon Completed Tour / Microsurvey

  • Chameleon Step Seen -- by request, to avoid flooding you with events.Β 

Event properties sent as part of these events include the Experience name, URL, and others (e.g. Step number) where relevant.Β 

For full details of all Chameleon data sent to Kissmetrics, use our schema below:

You can use this data in multiple ways within Kissmetrics; you can create a custom Metric, define a Population, design your Reports, or send Campaigns.

You can use a Metric such as the one defined above within your reports or other components of Kissmetrics. This includes creating funnels for Experiences using each Step.

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