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Formatting and styling text

Explore the different options for formatting your Experience content

Chameleon Team avatar
Written by Chameleon Team
Updated over a week ago

With Chameleon, you can always deliver engaging and easy-to-digest messages. In any Experience you create, you have multiple options to format your Body and Title components, as well as Item names or descriptions from the Builder.

Availability & Usage

🔐 Available for Startup, Growth, Enterprise

⚙️ Use from the Builder

Formatting your Body

📍 The Rich Text Editor is available for all body components in the Builder. It will soon be available for Launcher Items and Title components as well.

You can use the Rich Text Editor in the Builder to format your copy faster and more precisely. With the Body component, highlight your copy to access the Rich Text Editor.

You can use the Rich Text Editor to:

  • Add headings to your Body (H1,H2, H3)

  • Apply bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, or code styles

  • Add a hyperlink

  • Create a bulleted or numbered list

In the Builder panel, you can find other useful options, such as:

  • changing the text alignment

  • adjusting the color, font size, and line height

  • adding personalization

Formatting your Title component

With the Title component in the Builder, you can:

  • set the text alignment

  • make the text bold, italic, set different headers, or add hyperlinks (using markdown)

  • update the colors of the text and links

  • set the text size

👉 Learn more about customizing Titles in Launchers, which have similar options.

When updating values in PX or % from the Builder, you can hold down Shift on your keyboard to increase/decrease the values by tens.

Markdown options

You can format the text within your Experiences using Markdown. Here are the different formatting options you can apply in the Builder.

Text effects

  • Bold: **text** 

  • Italic: *text* or _text_ 

  • Strikethrough: ~~text~~ 

  • Code word: `text`


  • Hyperlink: [text](link URL)

Extra line breaks are NOT collapsed as they would in traditional markdown.

Paragraph formatting

  • Horizontal rule (line): *** (three asterisks) or ___ (three underscores) on its own line.

This generates a <hr> tag and remember you can use line breaks above and below for better spacing.


  • Header 1 (largest font size): # text 

  • Header 2 (second largest font size): ## text 

  • ...

  • Header 6 (smallest font size): ###### text 


  • Bulleted list: - text 

  • Numbered list: 1. text  

  • Second indent: leave a space before the dash or number

Ensure there is a return (line break) above the list start, and that there is space between the dash or number and text.


  • Left aligned: nothing -- this is the default

  • Right aligned: => text

  • Center aligned: =| text

Using Emojis

You can use emojis in your content to add more personality and deliver easier-to-digest information. Chameleon supports emojis, and you can use the built-in emoji selector that's available to you:

  • On Mac, press CTRL + CMD + Space.

  • On Windows, press Win + . or Win + ;.

From the Chrome browser, you can also access this by right-clicking the page and selecting the Emoji & Symbols option.

A good set of emojis can communicate the same message quicker, or in a more efficient way. Get creative with your copy and engage users with personality 😉

👉 Explore how you can use our AI assistant to improve the format and tone of your content in Chameleon

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