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Loom integration: user guide

Learn to set up and use Chameleon's Loom integration

Chameleon Team avatar
Written by Chameleon Team
Updated over a week ago

With the Loom integration, you can inform and educate your users by launching in-app videos from your Experiences. Your users will appreciate the convenience of having all the information they need right at their fingertips.

So share your news, guidance, and updates by launching in-app videos from your Experiences, in a way that's engaging and easy to understand.

Availability & Usage

πŸ” Available for all plans

πŸ“ Ready to power your Tours, Tooltips, Microsurveys

βš™οΈ Enable from the Dashboard

Quick access

Loom is a video messaging tool that helps teams communicate, collaborate, and share ideas through videos. You can record your camera, desktop, and microphone at the same time, and the videos are then available to edit and share with others.

You can use Loom to launch in-app videos and explain upcoming updates or educate users on how to use your product.

To use the Loom integration in your Experiences, head over to the Loom integration page in the Dashboard and enable the integration first. Then you'll find it in the Builder anytime you want to use it.

To share a Loom video with your users, you can launch it from a button (or a media component) with the additional Actions feature.

Select the Loom option and paste your video link in there. Your Loom video will open in a full-screen modal after a user clicks your button.

Leverage our Loom integration to communicate in a more efficient and engaging way with your users. Share product tips, news, or valuable advice that enable your users to be more successful with your app.

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