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Embed integration: user guide

Explore how to show any embedable URL from a Chameleon Experience

Chameleon Team avatar
Written by Chameleon Team
Updated over a week ago

With our Embed integration, you can launch any embeddable URL from your Experiences in a few clicks. Enhance your product guidance with custom content and enable users to engage with it in-app.

Availability & Usage

πŸ” Available for all plans

πŸ“ Ready to power your Tours, Tooltips, Microsurveys, Launchers

βš™οΈ Enable from the Dashboard

How does this integration work?

With our Embed integration, you can launch any custom visuals or resources via an iFrame in your app. Use this option to engage users with specific guides launched directly from your buttons.

Your embedded URL will show up full-width in your app, where users can view, enjoy and follow further if they wish to.

Setting up the integration

To launch embedded URLs from your Experiences, go to the Embed integration page in the Dashboard and enable it first. Then you'll find it in the Builder to use anytime you want to.

How to use it?

Use our Embed integration to launch any URL that is embeddable, from branded guides to microsites. You can launch it from a button (or a media component), or include it as a Launcher item with the additional Actions feature.

Select the Embed option and paste your link in there. It will open in a full-screen modal after a user clicks your button.

You can leverage the Embed integration to share different resources in a dynamic and easy-to-digest format. Try it out with microsites or other useful resources and allow users to discover more than just guidance in your Experience.

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