In this collection, you'll find guides on how to configure your Experiences and deliver them to your users.
Design - everything from leveraging your brand colors, to using account Templates, or adding Custom CSS
Build - the basics of positioning, personalizing, or creating multi-Step Experiences
Actions and interactions - allow users to snooze, add buttons that launch your connected integrations, or run custom code scripts.
Target - control who sees your Experience, show Tours to visitors, or on mobile devices
Display control - options to control how users can trigger Steps, how many Experiences and how often they should appear, and more.
You also have a section with overview articles, interactive demos, and guides on each product. Check out the overview articles for each below:
To help you stay efficient and collaborate smoothly with your team in Chameleon you'll also find a section on managing Experiences in Chameleon.
To help you analyze the impact of your Experiences and understand where to iterate, you can see the section on analyzing Experiences.