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How to use the different Microsurvey types?
How to use the different Microsurvey types?

An overview of the types of Micosurveys you can create, and which configuration options exist for each

Chameleon Team avatar
Written by Chameleon Team
Updated over a week ago

Microsurveys are short-form in-product surveys, that can have high response rates and generate a lot of accurate user feedback.

With each Chameleon Microsurveys you can build it in a format with a single question "Survey Step", an optional "Comment Step", and an optional "Thank You Step".

πŸ’‘ To learn how to configure a Chameleon Microsurvey, check out Understanding Microsurveys.

Availability & Usage

πŸ” Startup: 5 Microsurveys, Growth & Enterprise: unlimited Microsurveys

πŸ“© Contact: to discuss your plan needs

βš™οΈ Different Triggers available in the Builder

There are different types of Microsurveys, to enable more customized UX and analytics based on your use case.

Once you choose a type you cannot change it once you publish your Microsurvey.

With Chameleon, you can choose from 5 types of Microsurveys:

  • Rating: includes Customer Effort Score (CES) and Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) - with emoji options, 1-5 rating, and Easy-Difficult or Satisfied-Dissatisfied choices.

  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): with 0-10 feedback.

  • Input: ask a question and collect text responses.

  • Dropdown: add a set of options for your users to pick from, or add their own.

  • Multi button: includes options for Two-Button, Three-Button, Four-Button, and Five-Button Surveys - with the ability to trigger independent actions from each (e.g. load a page, update data, start a Tour, etc.)

Within Microsurveys you can customize components such as:

  • Question text

  • Button text

  • Button action (whether a button redirects users, opens a new tab, etc.)

  • Styling components

  • Entry animation

This is in addition to other facets you can customize for Chameleon Experiences, such as Target Audience, Recurrence, position, dismiss options, etc.

Rating Microsurveys are a sure way to measure the ease of product or feature use. Use this type to get quick feedback about how your users feel when using your product or services.

In the Builder, you'll have several Rating options that you can choose from:

  • CSAT

  • CES

  • Numbers

  • Emoji

With each one, the options will the pre-filled, but you can easily adjust them from the Builder to match your needs.

A Customer Satisfaction score is a straightforward methodology that measures a user's satisfaction with a feature, product, transaction, interaction, etc., by asking "How satisfied are you with ____" and presenting corresponding response options.

Using Chameleon you can alter the question copy to be specific about the feedback you care about, and use a five-button response option, just like in the example below:

CSAT Microsurvey in Chameleon

πŸ’‘ You can also personalize the Comments Steps based on the different types of responses in the Survey Step.

Customer Effort Score (CES) Microsurveys are a twist on the traditional Customer Satisfaction Microsurveys, often more suited to teams looking to improve the user experience.

In CES Microsurveys, users rank their experience on a scale of Very Easy to Very Difficult. You can adjust the response options between emojis, text, or numbers.

CES Chameleon Microsurvey

This type of feedback can be really useful for product teams, especially when delivered immediately after a specific user action or workflow because the level of effort is an important component of product and feature adoption.

Net Promoter Score is a registered Microsurvey methodology that aims to measure customer loyalty. The default question to evaluate this is:Β 

"How likely are you to recommend {Company} to a friend or colleague?"

Responses are gathered on a scale of 0 to 10, with the response helping calculate the NPS as follows:Β 

Chameleon will calculate the Net Promoter Score based on your user responses and show that within your Dashboard, for each Microsurvey, in the 'Analytics Tab'.

For each NPS Microsurvey, you can easily adjust the Labels from the Builder. Update the text, or completely remove them by enabling the toggle.

Labels options from the Builder

You can also personalize the Comments Steps based on whether a user was a:

  • Detractor (answered 0-6)

  • Passive (answered 7-8)

  • Promoter (answered 9-10)

πŸ‘‰ You can change the button Action in the Comments Step for each of these cases, so you can direct users based on how they feel about your product.

For example, you can have the button for Promoters redirect to a company reviews platform and make it easier for them to leave a positive review (or capture a testimonial directly in the Comments Step) or you can use our Calendly integration to help schedule a call with Detractors to learn more and mitigate any ill-will.

πŸ‘€ We are working to enable you to embed NPS Microsurveys in your emails, but meanwhile, you can use this method to share them via your email campaigns.

An Input Microsurvey allows you to collect free-form text responses from your end-users. Use it it to prompt users to answer questions using their own words, or drop an email for you to send them useful resources on the feature they were trying out.

With each Input Microsurvey, you can easily adjust the input field for the type of message you're looking to get. Under Input settings, you can pick between:

  • Short text

  • Long text

  • Email

  • Number

  • URL

Input settings options from the Builder

Here are some cases where Input Microsurveys come in useful:

  • Design feedback: asking users for thoughts on a page or feature that's being considered for a redesign or improvement

  • Customer development: asking new users for their goals and motivations

  • Failure feedback: asking users why they didn't complete a workflow or take a key action, to help inform product improvements

While this is a powerful Microsurvey type; the free-form nature of its responses might make it a bit more tricky to analyze and collect insights.

πŸ’‘ A few strategies involve using text analytics and word clouds. However, it's always a good idea to start by reading through some of the answers to get a general feel for what your users are saying, and, then, mapping a few categories and subcategories will likely help – you can start with positive, neutral, and negative.

To help analyze data, extracting it from Chameleon to your favorite analytics tool will definitely help. You can also download a CSV file or export it to Google Drive. πŸ˜‰

A Dropdown Microsurvey allows your users to pick a response from a pre-made list of responses. It can be effective if you have > 5 options or want to let users add their own option.

You can fully customize your Microsurvey options from the Dropdown component in the Builder:

  • Adjust the colors of your text and text border

  • Randomize the choices

  • Allow for multiple choices

  • Allow and customize an 'other' option

Dropdown customization options in the Builder

The β€œOther” option is perfect if you want to collect custom answers from your users. When this is enabled, and a user selects "Other" then they will see a text input field to manually enter their choice. With this option, you can have a 1-line or a multi-line answer, to give you more control. πŸ˜‰

Gif with 'Other' customization options in the Builder

On the "Analytics" page in your Dashboard, "Other" choices will be grouped, but you will be able to view the actual user inputs from the table of responses (and also download them as a CSV file).

A Multi-Button Microsurvey enables you to customize the text for each of the buttons and also trigger separate actions based on the user's response.Β 

One example relevant for product teams is the Product-Market Fit Microsurvey. If less than 40% of participants respond as Very disappointed to the question "How would you feel if you could no longer use this product?", it would mean that you have not found your Product-Market fit.

More use cases for Multi-Button Microsurveys include asking a user:

  • Whether they want to learn more about something (and consequently start a Chameleon Tour, or not)

  • The way they want to get more information, e.g. reading an article or watching a video (and consequently opening a new tab or showing a Chameleon Tour with an embedded video)

  • If they want to opt-in to a beta / early release (and consequently mark this users profile in your system)

  • Whether something met their need (yes/no) and consequently offering more help

  • Whether they are willing to leave a review or rating on a comparison site

  • Whether they want the iOS or Android app link (to download)

  • What type of role they are (to help in persona development)

  • What their goal in using your product is (and consequently provide the most relevant user onboarding Tour)

Once you pick to create this type of Microsurvey from the Dashboard, you will be able to easily change the number of buttons while configuring it.

In the Builder, you can set specific button styling, by clicking on each button to then change its colors or text.

Microsurvey buttons can launch additional Actions when users click them, and this is powerful to drive their discovery, or engagement with your team.

πŸ“ If you'd like to collect more detailed feedback or responses, including varying input options or logic based on responses, you can integrate Typeform with Chameleon.Β 

πŸ“† To schedule a call or meeting with a user (e.g. for product feedback or customer support or sales) you can do so from inside your product using our Calendly integration.Β 

By adding an additional Action such as an integration, to a button within a Microsurvey, you can specific modals inside your product. Let the user connect further with you directly from the Chameleon Microsurvey, without leaving your page.

To do this, click the button you want to configure, select the Additional Action, and add your high-value action:

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